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Analytical services for automotive suppliers

Manufacturers of medical products face special challenges. These include, for example, medical approvals, often at a national level. The tests required for this often apply to new or modified products, as well as to the development of new markets. The Analytik Service Obernburg provides advisory support in advance on request.


A typical question is the control of an active ingredient content or the testing for impurities.

Of course, the classic areas of raw material and product analysis or damage analysis are also of interest for medical technology products. This leads to the use of a wide range of analytical and physical methods:

  • Material identification using NMR

  • Substance purity and content by HPLC

  • Spectroscopy , for example on functionalized surfaces

  • XRD to determine phase purity (crystalline structure)

  • Elemental impurities in the trace range ( ICP-MS )

  • Laser diffraction and SEM-EDX for the size and distribution of drug particles


The issues investigated include, for example, the design, composition and structure of membranes for filtration or dialysis. But medical textiles, reaction vessels, cannulas, contact lenses, bone substitutes and general medical technology materials are also the subject of analysis in the field of medical technology.


We are happy to support you in monitoring your raw materials, intermediate and/or finished

finished products in accordance with the methods of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur. 10).


We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer!

Test standards

Initial sample testing according to automotive standards.

Physical Properties

  • Relative Density

  • Refractive Index

  • Melting Point – Capillary Method

  • Density of Solids* Loss on Drying



  • IR spectroscopy (absorption spectrophotometry, infrared)

  • UV-Vis spectroscopy (Absorption Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet and Visible)

  • NMR spectroscopy (in solution, 400 MHz) (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy)

  • X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) (X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometry)

  • Near-infrared spectroscopy

  • Raman spectroscopy


Chromatography and viscosity

  • GPC / SEC (Size Exclusion Chromatography)

  • Capillary viscometry (Capillary Viscosimeter Method)

  • 2.2.5 Relative density

  • 2.2.6 Refractive index

  • 2.2.9 Capillary viscosimeter method

  • 2.2.14 Melting point – capillary method

  • 2.2.24 Absorption Spectrophotometry, Infrared (IR spectroscopy)

  • 2.2.25 Absorption Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis spectroscopy)

  • 2.2.30 Size exclusion chromatography (GPC / SEC)

  • 2.2.32 Loss on drying

  • 2.2.33 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy; in solution, 400 MHz)

  • 2.2.34 Thermal analysis (thermogravimetry (TGA) and DSC (differential scanning calorimetry)

  • 2.2.37 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrophotometry (X-ray fluorescence analysis, RFA)

  • 2.2.40 Near-infrared spectroscopy

  • 2.2.42 Density of solids

  • 2.2.44 Total organic carbon in water for pharmaceutical use (TOC)

  • 2.2.48 Raman Spectroscopy

  • 2.9.31 Particle size analysis by laser diffraction (LPS)

  • 2.9.37 Optical microscopy (LM)

  • 2.9.52 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX)


Various titrations, e.g. reducing substances, alkalinity, acidity according to monograph.

Do you have questions?

Our experienced team is available to meet your individual requirements and provide you with high-quality analytical solutions.

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