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Analytical services for automotive suppliers

Extract of our services


  • Risk assessment in production and laboratory
    (Air sampling and analysis of solid and gaseous hazardous substances such as formaldehyde, solvents, dust)

  • Measuring the indoor climate in the office
    (CO2 content of the air, temperature, humidity, draught, pollutants, odor)

  • Measurement of the exhaust air volume flow at extraction systems


  • Exhaust air measurements (total carbon content, dust/aerosols, methane, carbon disulfide, hydrogen sulfide, air exchange rate)

  • Accredited and AQS-notified testing facility for groundwater, surface water and wastewater (laboratory analysis and online sensors, sampling of cooling systems according to VDI 2047)

  • Noise measurements in production plants

  • Pollutant emission tests on vehicle interior parts

Testing of medical and hygiene products

  • Raw material control (purity of substances, active ingredient content, particle size)

  • Product and damage analysis of medical technology materials, such as medical textiles, membranes for filtration and dialysis, tubes, cannulas, reaction vessels, contact lenses, bone cement, medical instruments and devices, packaging)

  • Production-related quality control for synthetic fibres in hygiene products

Extract of our services


  • We test according to the current KTW BWGL, reliably and precisely.

  • With innovative solutions, we ensure the highest quality and safety in the handling of drinking water.

  • Trust in our expertise and our commitment to health and the environment. Rely on quality and safety – for a healthy future!

Your benefits at a glance

  • Highest quality: Strict compliance with KTW-BWGL for maximum safety.

  • Sustainability: Environmentally friendly and resource-saving processes.

  • Innovation: Use of the latest technologies and methods.

  • Reliability: Long-term solutions for a stable water supply.

Why our laboratory?

  • Competence: Precise and timely execution of all tests.

  • Customer satisfaction: tailor-made solutions and personal service.

  • Contact us today and see for yourself our quality and reliability!

Do you have questions?

Our experienced team is available to meet your individual requirements and provide you with high-quality analytical solutions.

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